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Scottsdale, Arizona

When it comes to affluent communities near Phoenix, this beautiful place is near the top. Popular with retirees and tourists, Its setting in the desert  by the McDowell Mountains is spectacular. More>>

10 Best Train Rides in the World

An interesting train ride can be one of the best retirement adventures. There are many in the U.S. and Canada, and even more abroad. Some go for days, others for just a few spectacular hours. All Aboard!

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Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage - Which Is Best for You?

Open Enrollment started a few days ago for Medicare, and runs through Dec. 7. Although this is the time you can sign up if you missed it before, it is also a critical opportunity for anyone to change their plan. Plans and circumstances change: here is the lowdown on Medigap vs. Medicare Advantage plans.  More>>


Pompano Beach, Florida

Named after the tasty fish local to these waters, Pompano is a popular, low key retirement community. It is less fancy and more down to earth than its ritzy neighbors to the north like Boca Raton and Palm Beach.  More >>

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